Thoughts from a therapist…
A Blog
If you find yourself struggling with various family dynamics, low motivation, depression, anxiety, low self esteem reach out today and find out how therapy can help.
Mental Health Challenges of First-Generation Americans: A Therapist's Insight
The experience of first-generation Americans, individuals who are the first in their family to be born in the United States, is marked by a unique blend of opportunities, expectations, and challenges. These challenges often extend into the realm of mental health, creating specific needs that must be understood and addressed. As a licensed therapists with lived experience as first generation American, I would like to shed light on some of the mental health challenges first-generation Americans may encounter.
Unveiling the Impact of Emotionally Unavailable Mothers on Adult Daughters
The mother-daughter relationship is a profound bond that shapes a woman's life in countless ways. However, when a mother is emotionally unavailable, it can have lasting effects on her daughter's emotional well-being and personal development. In this article, we will delve into the intricate effects of emotionally unavailable mothers on their adult daughters and shed light on the healing process.
Are you an Adult Child of a Narcissistic Mother?
Being raised by a narcissistic mother can have a profound impact on an individual's emotional and psychological development.
Healing from Trauma: How Therapy Can Provide Support and Recovery
Discover the transformative power of therapy in overcoming trauma. Explore the role of therapy in healing from trauma, addressing keywords such as trauma therapy, trauma counseling, PTSD treatment, and more.
What exactly is Trauma?
Discover the effects of trauma on the brain and body and explore different types of trauma, such as single-event trauma and complex trauma. Learn how therapy can provide support and healing, addressing keywords like trauma effects, brain and body, single-event trauma, complex trauma, and therapy for trauma recovery.