Thoughts from a therapist…
A Blog
If you find yourself struggling with various family dynamics, low motivation, depression, anxiety, low self esteem reach out today and find out how therapy can help.
How Meditating Can Ease Anxiety
Are you looking for ways to ease your anxiety? Meditating can be an effective tool.
What the Heck is EMDR and How Can It Help Me?
Helping your brain get unstuck from trauma.
EMDR stands for Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing. Research has proven that EMDR is a successful treatment for trauma, anxiety, depression, and behavioral disorders. Maybe you’ve been curious about EMDR or you recently learned about it while watching Oprah interview of Prince Harry. If you have suffered a traumatic event, whether you can recall the details or not, EMDR may be the therapy that can finally provide you relief from the triggers that send your mind and body back into survival mode.
Learn the Skill of Self-Motivation
Mastering self-motivation is essential for success and can be achieved through various techniques, including utilizing both pleasure and pain to your advantage, creating goal-supporting habits, and seeking professional support. While children often have guidance from parents and teachers, adults must learn self-management; these strategies offer an insightful roadmap to take control of your life and move ahead of your peers by enhancing motivation and productivity.
Why It’s So Hard to Accept Yourself and What You Can Do About It
We find it hard to accept ourselves because others shape how we see ourselves.
PTSD Doesn’t Only Affect Soldiers - It Could Affect You Too
The ability to deal with trauma and stress varies greatly from person to person.
9 Healthy Tips to Help Cope With Anxiety
If you struggle with anxiety on a daily basis, these 9 tips can be helpful.