Thoughts from a therapist…
A Blog
If you find yourself struggling with various family dynamics, low motivation, depression, anxiety, low self esteem reach out today and find out how therapy can help.
Understanding the Mother Wound: Healing Early Attachment Trauma
The concept of the mother wound revolves around the emotional and psychological scars left by a mother who, often unintentionally, causes harm through her actions or inactions. This wound stems from early attachment trauma and can profoundly impact adult women, especially when they become mothers or contemplate motherhood. Understanding the mother wound is crucial for healing and developing better self-esteem and confidence in making appropriate life choices.
Surviving Heartbreak During the Holidays
First things first, why does heartbreak feel extra heavy during the holidays? Well, it's a time when emotions run high. We're bombarded with images of happy couples and families, making it hard not to feel the void. Plus, if you're in your 30s or 40s, societal pressure can add an extra layer of stress. But remember, it's okay to feel this way.
Navigating Seasonal Affective Disorder: How Online Therapy Can Help
As the leaves change color and fall from the trees, you might find that your mood begins to drop as well. The winter season often brings more than just holiday cheer and snowflakes; for many people, it's a time of increased sadness, lethargy, and even depression. Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD), a type of depression that occurs at specific times of the year, can be particularly challenging. In this blog post, we'll explore what Seasonal Affective Disorder is, how it manifests, and the ways in which online therapy can offer a lifeline during those long winter months.
5 Signs Your Teen May Need Counseling: An Empathetic Guide for Concerned Parents
With the stigma around mental health slowly fading, it's time for parents to take a proactive stance. But how do you know when to start considering therapy for your teen? Here are five signs to watch out for.
Treatment Resistant Depression and EMDR
At Brighter Days Teletherapy we believe that there is hope for people with treatment resistant depression. We carefully evaluate each TRD client to determine if EMDR can help provide the hope and relief they seek. Call today to get started.